Personal Dosimeters AT3509, AT3509A, AT3509B and AT3509C

  1. Personal Dosimeters AT3509, AT3509A, AT3509B and AT3509C
  2. Personal Dosimeters AT3509, AT3509A, AT3509B and AT3509C
  3. Personal Dosimeters AT3509, AT3509A, AT3509B and AT3509C

Personal Dosimeters AT3509, AT3509A, AT3509B and AT3509C


Pocket-size wide-range intelligent devices, ideally matching accuracy, functionality, user friendliness, reliability and price.

Dosimeter with reader, which is connected to PC, and software suite make an efficient automatic system for staff radiation exposure monitoring.


Primary dosimeter function is to measure Hp(10), Hp(0.07) individual dose equivalent, and the secondary one is to measure Hp(10), Hp(0.07) dose rate of continuous X-ray and gamma radiation.

Dosimeters provide dose range measurement in 7.5-order range and have individual sound and LED alarm function.

Microprocessor operation mode management, data processing, display on TFT screen and self-check function.

Accumulated dose data and dose accumulation history is saved in non-volatile memory when the device is powered off.

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